About Us

About Suffah Masjid & Educational Guidance
Alhamdulillah, for the past 17 years, our institute has graduated over 175 Huffaz in the Chicagoland area. At our institute, we provide many amenities for our students such as the Hifz program, an Alim course for men and women, and much more. Click here for a list of services.
We have intended to expand our school to a larger and more practical facility. With the support of our teachers, students, and most importantly the community, we have bought a former church in Skokie, IL. Only with the grace and mercy of Allah SWT and your generous support can we fulfill the necessity of expanding our institute and serving the community. We wish to enlarge our horizon at the new facility by starting programs for adults, adolescents, and children alike. In the future this institute will be a Masjid and a means of learning for all. Your support is needed for the accomplishment and the betterment of this institute.
Take Good Advice From People Who Pronounce It Though He Does Not Practice
High Priest -Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal
Staff Members